Integrated quality control system
The main mission of the company KLIMA a.s., is to maintain our position of a reliable in the area of production and deliveries of the following products:
- Radial medium-pressure and high-pressure ventilators
- Axial over-pressure ventilators
- Separators
- Load-bearing welded steel constructions and parts for transport technology
During all our business activities we are governed by the principle of sustainable development and the protection of the environment.
In relation to the values and development of the company
- Through the individual responsibility of all employees and, in particular, the senior management of the company, to achieve the stability and the improvement of the quality of our services and products through the process-oriented quality system in all our processes and activities
- To keep the valid provisions of all legal regulations, i.e. acts, directives, regulations and standards related to the production of products and the environment
- To achieve stable market positions through the quality of products and a correct professional approach
- To proceed in such a manner that the activities of the company minimally affect the environment in accordance with the commitment for the prevention of pollution
- Through the identification of the reasons for defects and the implementation of preventive and corrective actions to ensure the improvement process and the reduction of the production costs of the company
In relation to clients and all interested parties
- We want to be a professional and respected partner for our clients with the emphasis on long-term bilaterally advantageous cooperation and to help our clients to achieve their business objectives
- The maximum satisfaction of the requirements of clients for the long-term objective of the company with the emphasis on technical support, high quality and long-term reliability related to high-quality service for all offered products. The emphasis is placed on the necessary equipment by the respective documentation, including all attestation and protocols
- In the demanding process of the increase of productivity, we want to continue offering a competitive price for produced products with acceptable delivery periods and warranties
In relation to employees
- We try to build solid relations with our employees because we realize that the performance and good name of the company depend on the quality of its employees
- We treat our employees with a feeling of solidarity within their own company
- We increase the professional level of the knowledge of employees at all levels
- We involve our employees into the process of the permanent improvement of their activities also with respect to the environment
In relation to suppliers
- We cooperate with suppliers oriented towards the production of the quality of their products while maintaining a favourable price level
- We build with our suppliers bilaterally advantageous, long-term business relations